Bed Socks Swollen Feet

You have tried everything to help you sleep faster and better but it doesn’t seem to be working; every night when you get into bed it takes you an hour or more to fall asleep and then you wake up several times during the night for no reason in particular. Could the problem be that you suffer cold feet and don’t even know it? Cold feet are a common condition and you should not take them for granted especially when it comes to falling asleep; your body has to achieve a certain core temperature for you to drift off and if your feet are cold you will have a hard time.
One way to deal with this problem is to wear bed socks. These are socks that are designed especially for bed and they can help you fall asleep much faster. They are loose and go up to halfway up your calves. Falling asleep faster and staying asleep is just one benefit; there are others.
Sleep is essential if you want to be productive during the day – if you doze on and off all night your work will suffer because you aren’t able to focus. People who try wearing socks to bed report that because they are able to sleep better they are also able to work better. Bed socks don’t just keep you warm at night; because they are made out of a special fabric they can prevent your feet from overheating.
One commonly asked question is whether you should wear bed socks if you suffer swollen feet. These socks are generally not recommended for wearing to bed since swelling is usually associated with poor circulation. If you have poor circulation and you suffer cold feet at night the best thing to do is talk to your doctor.
You can buy bed socks today from one of the top vendors in the UK,