Cheese making in Italy: present and past

Cheese-making is an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries.

While the methods have changed, cheese making remains a part of many cultures. Cheese-making in Italy is one example that dates back to the Neolithic age and continues to be popular today, with many types of cheeses available for sale. If you want to make your cheese, here are some tips and tricks!

First, you will need to gather your supplies. You will need milk, an acid for curdling (vinegar, lemon juice), a cooking pot, cheesecloth or coffee filters, and a container with a lid to store the cheese in.

Finally, you must choose which type of cheese to make! There are many options – here are some recommendations:

Ricotta – requires whole milk and vinegar. It is another traditional Italian cheese that goes great in many dishes! It can be used to make lasagna or stuffed shells. If you want to try something more modern, why not try this incredible cheese!

Fontina – also requires whole milk but no vinegar; instead, use powdered citric acid.

Mozzarella – requires whey leftover from other cheeses or 2 quarts of fresh cultured buttermilk per gallon of cow’s milk.

Parmesan – hard Italian-style grating cheese that can be made with whole or skimmed cow’s milk

Now you are ready to start making your cheese! If you are an experienced home cook, follow the recipe. If you are new to cooking, here are some tips:

Be sure to sterilize equipment before beginning. The process of separating curds from whey requires heat. Be careful not to burn yourself when dealing with hot surfaces. Boiling water can cause steam burns if it sprays in your eyes, so be sure to wear goggles when stirring boiling liquids.

Once the curds and whey have separated, you can drain off the whey – use a cheesecloth, coffee filters, or colander to strain the liquid.

Sprinkle salt on either side of your cheese after draining if desired; this will help preserve it for longer storage in a refrigerator.

If you wish to add herbs for flavor, now is the time! Chop your favorite flavors and mix in with a spoon or by hand.

Finally, place your fresh cheese into an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. The shelf life of homemade cheese can vary from just a few days up to several months, depending on what type of cheese was created. Homemade cheeses last longer when stored in a refrigerator, so plan accordingly if you plan to make it in advance.

A great recipe, for example, includes whole milk, lemon juice, and vinegar.

Be sure to follow all standard safety precautions when cooking with hot surfaces and keep an eye on children around pots of boiling liquids. Remember that cheese-making is a very detailed process; if you are new to cooking, it might be best to practice with other foods first before tackling this type of recipe!

Remember that these kinds of food should be eaten with caution because they have a high fat and cholesterol level; you should ask your doctor if your diet allows this type of food.

Make Future Plans Before Attending a Salami Making Class

When you enroll in a salami making class, it should not be for nothing. There must be a plan so that you can always stay focused on the task at hand without letting go of the pedal right in front of you. It is all about starting a business one day. Food will always be in demand which is why these classes always have students in them. There is nothing wrong of waking up one day and dreaming to have your own restaurant. It is all about your mission of one day owning something and that can actually happen if you take the right steps. After all, it would be hard to dive into it without any prior knowledge. Thus, taking a salami making class must be one of many classes as it is possible you can control your destiny in this situation. It is like something that will get you in the mood to do things you thought you would never do. It will start with you being at a new stage in your life and doing things you never thought you would do. There is really no time to waste as long as you feel the momentum right now then you should really do it. You can’t really wait for the time when you are virtually incapable of doing so because that would mean a bit lame when you come to think of it. It would immediately go down the wire as to what you can accomplish given your unlimited talents. When it comes successful, then it won’t be long before you conclude that this is what you were born to do.

It is quite possible you will meet people who would want to do business with you when the time is right in your salami making class. Better take the time to get to know your classmates and see if they are always concentrated on the task at hand. Even if they are a bit old, you know it is never too late to be a hero. After all, you know you would be not be in this situation if they are not asking for your help. It would be such a great feeling to start a business with the right people even if you start small at first. From there, you can climb the proverbial ladder and tell yourself that you finally made it. Of course, it would be a lot easier said than done as there will be lots of obstacles along the way. After all, that can be expected considering there are many competitors in any business that you decide to enter. That is alright since you will be able to learn from the mistakes and it won’t be so sad with how you can communicate with life as it can be a bit relaxing at times. Don’t be surprised if you get pretty busy leading up to the time when the business has finally started and you’re all up with what is going on.

Small Group Tours of Tuscany Italy

You want to take your family on holiday in Italy and you are wondering whether it is a good idea to book a group tour. Most people who want to tour on the continent prefer to do it by themselves – they arrive in their country of choice, hire a car and then go from attraction to attraction taking in the sights. This is a good approach if you have set aside a lot of money for your trip and if you are familiar with Italy.
However, if you are like most people and there is only so much you can spend on your Italian holiday your best option is a small group tours. People are wary of group tours because they worry that they will be forced to do what the entire group is doing. Not if you book with the right tour company. If you choose right you will only visit the places that you are interested in – you will put together with a group that has the same interests as your family.
The best thing about group tours in Italy is that you can see the country at a fraction of the cost that it would take you to go it by yourself. On a group tour you are all booked into the same hotel and you share transportation. Your meals are planned as a group which helps to lower costs significantly. This is not to say that you cannot slip away and do something on your own – just let your tear leader know where you are going and when you will be back.
Sapori-e-Saperi is one of the best tour companies for group tours in Italy. They will take you to your desired destinations and provide everything you need to ensure that your trip is fun-packed. Find out more on

Truffle Hunting and AnimalsĀ 

Truffles have been part of fine cuisine for a while. The fact that they are so rare and difficult to find can make them even more appealing than they would be otherwise. There is a lot of demand for truffles, and some families have been hunting truffles for generations.

It’s interesting to note that truffle hunters once worked with pigs in order to locate these fancy ingredients. The rooting behavior of pigs was incredibly valuable to truffle hunters everywhere. Today, truffle hunters will have a tendency to work with dogs, although there are still truffle hunters who will work with pigs.

Dogs are much easier to train than pigs, which is one of the reasons why a lot of truffle hunters are working with dogs these days. People will often have an easier time finding dogs that will work well in the context of truffle hunting. Most traditional working dogs and hunting dogs will be just as productive in the context of truffle hunting, which is something that all hunters should keep in mind when they are selecting truffle hunting dogs.

Labrador retrievers are great for truffle hunting. These dogs are very intelligent in general, and training them is often relatively easy. Standard poodles are even smarter than Labrador retrievers, and they have also been used as working dogs traditionally. Truffle hunters can work well with both standard poodles and Labrador retrievers. These dogs make good companions as well, and they tend to get along well with their owners and handlers.

Some hounds will also be great assistants to truffle hunters. Hounds are not as intelligent as standard poodles or Labrador retrievers, at least on average. However, they have great noses, and they will probably be good at finding truffles based on their scent. One way or another, working with animals will help truffle hunters.