Corporate Bus Rental

The last time you had a corporate bus rental things didn’t go as planned; it arrived late, it wasn’t comfortable, there wasn’t enough room and it didn’t quite meet your expectations. You can have a completely different experience this time round if you start by asking the corporate bus rental company the right questions:
Have you done corporate bus rentals before and if yes, can you give me referrals?
The fact that a company rents buses doesn’t necessarily mean that they can do corporate bus rentals. They may be excellent at providing school buses but they may not have a fleet that is suitable for corporate use.
How big are your buses?
As much as possible you want to all travel in the same bus so it is important to find out whether the bus rental company has a bus that can take all of you. Buses vary in size – there are those that can carry only 22 people while others are bigger and can take up to 57 people.
What is included in your package?
You will get a bus and a driver but what else will you get for what you are paying? If you will be travelling long distance you may find that for a small extra fee you can get drinks and snacks for everyone.
Do you have the right insurance?
This is very important. While you hope that your driver is trained and experienced enough to get you back home safely, you also want to make sure that you are covered in the event things go wrong.
Does your driver have the right paperwork?
This is important if you will be travelling across jurisdictions.
One of the best companies for corporate bus in Cambridge is Greys of Ely. They have a fleet set aside for corporate rentals so you will be able to get what you need. Find out more on