Glass Panel Doors

Are glass panel doors for your home a good idea? As you remodel your home you have been faced with many different types of doors to replace your existing ones and one of the options that you are looking at is glass panel doors. For some, they are easy to eliminate – how secure are you with glass panel doors in your home? Furthermore, aren’t they liable to break before long and possibly cause serious harm in the home? if this is your thinking there are a few things you don’t know about glass panel doors. Keep reading to find out more.
As regards security, these doors are just as secure as any wooden door. They are made of toughened glass. It is a type of glass that is made through a process called tempering which makes it extra tough. You know the glass that you see at your bank teller’s counter? It is the same, only the glass that is used for glass panel doors can be frosted or made into nice designs. If you install these doors in your home it will be completely secure. To add another layer of protection you can have your doors connected to an alarm so that in the event of an intrusion you will be alerted right away.
If you are worried about glass panel doors breaking and causing injury you shouldn’t be. It is true that sometimes these doors can break, but this is extremely rare and pony happens when the doors are subjected to extreme force. Today’s tempered glass is extremely tough and even walking into it usually doesn’t do much damage. In the event that it breaks it will shatter into pebbles rather than shards, which means that injuries are minimal.
So, are glass panel doors a good idea for your home? Definitely, but you have to make sure that you choose the right kind of doors and a professional installer. There are many different kinds of glass doors available in the market and they differ in terms of style, type and design. The better the door the more it will cost you. You shouldn’t try to cut corners especially when it comes to the type of glass. Buy the strongest that you can find – it will cost you more but it will keep your home safe.
As for type and design these are entirely up to you. If, for example, you have a large space that needs a door you can opt for sliding doors. For smaller spaces you can choose hinged doors.
A good vendor like Go Glass in Cambridge can ensure that your glass panel doors are properly installed. They have a wide variety that you can choose from and they offer affordable rates. Find out more on