Paddock cleaning machines

Promoting the Health of Your Horse with Paddock Cleaning Machines

The management of your paddocks is often complicated by the tendency of horses to defecate in specific areas, which leads to increased weed growth and overuse of the remaining parts of the paddock because the horses will avoiding their feaces. Ultimately, this leads to horse sick pastures or pastures with roughs and lawns. These conditions favor the survival of a number of horse parasites, most of which are passed with the feaces. The parasites grow as larvae in the feaces and eventually move to the nearby pastures to reinfect the horses. The higher the number of horses that you have, the poorer the nutrient availability in your paddocks and the higher the chances that your horses will graze near their feaces and become reinfected with disease-causing parasites.

How Paddock Cleaning Machines can Help

Paddock cleaning machines allow you suck the horses’ feaces, alpaca droppings, spent clays, wood shavings, shredded paper, conkers, shotgun cartridges, poultry droppings, dog feaces and general litter. There are also paddock cleaning machines that can suck up leaves from gravel driveway without sucking the up the stones, and can even be used to clean out the bottom of your water troughs and ponds.

Picking up the horses feaces and other general litter as often as possible with paddock cleaning machines will reduce the number of parasites in your paddocks and encourage your horses to eat from the entire field eliminating selective grazing tendency. This will not only help you save on feed costs but will also ensure that essential nutrients are available for your horses, and ultimately boosting their health.


As a horse owner, you should think of paddock cleaning machines as tools for maximizing grass production in your paddocks. The machines help your ensure that your paddocks are in the best health, and can provide essential nutrients to your horses.