Private School Open Days

Choosing a private school for your child to attend their A levels is an excellent way to go – they will get all the help and support that they need to get grades that will get them into a good university. Private schools are not cheap – by the time your child is done with their sixth form studies you will have parted with thousands of pounds so it is important to make sure that you know what you are paying for. Even more critical is finding out the kind of environment that your child will be learning in. The only way to do this is to attend an open day.

Open days are usually held in the autumn by schools that offer A level studies and they are an opportunity for parents to learn more about the school. You will be issued a date and time as well as a program of events for the day – some are held in the evening. The event starts off with the head teacher giving you general information about the schools after which he will move on to specifics such as subjects and subject teachers. They will talk to you about extracurricular activities and any other programs that the school has on offer. You will then have a question and answer session where parents can find out more about the school, after which you will be invited to tour the facilities.
You may want to bring your child along to the private school open day – they will see where they will be spending their A level years, and they may have important questions for their teachers. It will also help them form an initial impression of the school.
One private school that will not disappoint is the Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies. You can find out how to attend one of their open days on their website,