Window Sash

How often do you pay attention to your sash windows? The average home owner will only notice their sash windows when there is a problem – when they start to get stuck, let in a draft or start to look really worn. This is not the best approach to sash window care. Your windows can last for many years if you maintain them on a regular basis. Don’t forget that your windows play a big part in the overall appearance of your home, and the better care you take of them the better your property will look. Here are a few things that you should do on a regular basis:
Clean your windows
As a busy professional or parent of a young family window cleaning may not show up in your list of things-to-do very often. Over time your sash windows collect dust, get smeared and start to look really grimy. The good news is you don’t have to clean your windows very often, and since it is a job that takes only a short time it shouldn’t be much of a headache. Make sure that you don’t use abrasive cleaners as they can affect the paint of your sash windows. You should clean them before the sun comes up as direct sunlight will lead to smears that are hard to get rid of.
Check your sash windows for rot
This is another easy task that will only take you a few minutes. At least once a year you should run your fingers around the wooden part of all the sash windows in your home to check for soft spots.
If you find any signs of window rot you should call in a professional like Salmons Bros. Limited to take care of the problem. They do beautiful sash window repair work, and they can also do new installations. Find out more on